Wednesday, May 27, 2009

0 hai2 & bye2..^_^

big apple..dapnye..

hai sume...
tiap ari ak on9..
tp xtau nak post ape..hehe
maleh nak menaip pn ad gk..:P arini ak rajin lak menaip..
ptg ni ak nk g epoh..
sape nak itut??hehe
ak g epoh nak jmpe buah ati..
dah lame x jmpe..huhu
sok ktorg nak g lost world of tambun..
ak xpnah lg g c2..
best ke??mcm sunway x??hehe

mlm ni tpkse la ak tdo umah die..:))
mksud ak umah family die la..haha
die mane ad umah lg..

actually sok besday ak..
so korg leh la post adiah kt ak..haha
ptutnye buah ati ak yg kena dtg kt ak kn..
tp xpela, ak yg nak g sane..
coz kt sini mane de tempat menarik..huhu
(troknye ktuk tmpt sndri..haha)

k la,,nt ak dah blk dri epoh,,
ak cte kt korg best ke x lost world 2..

♥ Thanks for reading!~ Have a nice day ^_^ ♥

Friday, May 22, 2009

3 hEpY bEsDaY mOmMY ^_=

tHis song is 4 u..
i love u mom!!
hepy besday..

arini ari jadi mak ak yg ke-55..

jgk ari die pencen@bersara..

bulan nie very special 2 her..

so i would like 2 wish her..

4 iN 1

1) hEpy biRthDaY
2) hepY mOthEr's dAy
3) HepY tEacHer's daY
4) hePy 'pencen' dAy..:))

You taught me everything
And everything you've given me
I always keep it inside
You're the driving force in my life, yeah
There isn't anything
Or anyone that I can be
And it just wouldn't feel right
If I didn't have you by my side
You were there for me to love and care for me
When skies were grey
Whenever I was down
You were always there to comfort me
And no one else can be what you have been to me
You will always be you always will be the girl
In my life for all times

Mama, mama you know I love you
Oh you know I love you
Mama, mama you're the queen of my heart
Your love is like
Tears from the stars
Mama, I just want you to know
Lovin' you is like food to my soul
Yes it is (5x)

You're always down for me
Have always been around for me even when I was bad
You showed me right from my wrong
Yes you did
And you took up for me
When everyone was downin' me
You always did understand
You gave me strength to go on
There was so many times
Looking back when I was so afraid
And then you come to me
And say to me I can face anything
And no one else can do
What you have done for me
You'll always be
You will always be the girl in my life


Never gonna go a day without you
Fills me up just thinking of you
I'll never go a day without my mama


Yes you are

♥ Thanks for reading!~ Have a nice day ^_^ ♥

Thursday, May 21, 2009

0 1st and 2nd 'TAG' from...

1) Apakah nama blog anda and nape anda memilih nama itu?

name blog ak?? >>> LOVESTORY..

sbb pe ak letak name nie?? >>> coz ak minat bangat lagu love story from taylor swift..lgu die yg laen pn mnat gak..

2) Apakah link blog anda dan macam mana timbul idea namakan link itu?
cane ak leh dpt idea name blog nie???
mcm ak NYATAKAN td,hehe..skemanye..
love story 2 one of my fevret song..
n firdani 2 lak my special name..:)

3) Apakah method pnulisan dalam blog anda?

hmm,,method?mak ai,nak tulis blog pn kena ad method ek?hehe
ak men hentam je, xde method2..:P

5) Pendapat tentang blog orang yg tag anda?

blog kwan2 yg telah tag ak? ok je blog diorg..sihat walafiat..;))

6) Senaraikan 5 orang yg akan anda tag?

ala, 5 org je??hehe..ak xtau la nak tag sape..
sape2 je la yg bace blog ak ni ek..
klu korg rase korg ad bce blog ak,,
tahniah!!korg dah d 'tag' oleh ak..hehe

♥ Thanks for reading!~ Have a nice day ^_^ ♥

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

0 not feeling well..

erm,, dah lame b'cuti...
xde keje nak wat..
dkt 2 mngu dah ak blk umah..
bosan lak lame2 kat umah..hehe

ari2 benda yang same je ak wat..

1) bangun pagi
2) basuh baju
3) kemas umah
4) makan
5) tdo
6) bangun lak
7) tengok tv
8) tdo sampai pagi

haha..e2 la rutin harian ak..
tp smlm rutin harian ak t'ganggu cket..
sbbnye ak xbpe chat..
nape tah tbe2 kpale ak ni pening sgt..
xleh nak bgun..huhu

klu ak baring rase ok je..
tp ble berdiri je,,rase nak jatuh!
nsib la xjatuh..hehe
xpnah ak rase mcm 2..

kul 9 mlm ak dah bum(lentok atas katil)
tapi kul 10 lbih bru leh lelapkan mate nie..
then tiap jam ak mesti terjage..huuhu
pas bgun sbuh, ak tdo blk..
sbb pening lagi!!

nape ek ak pening???
xpham ak..

1) tdo byk sgt kot..haha
2) siang 2 ak posa..(b4 ni posa xpnah pn pening)
3) hmm, dh mmg nak pening..keh3

actually, skang nie pn ak pening lagi..
hmm, wt bodo je la..
kang ok la kot..
klu x ok gak tpakse la g klinik..huhu

♥ Thanks for reading!~ Have a nice day ^_^ ♥

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

2 tonite..:(

♥ Thanks for reading!~ Have a nice day ^_^ ♥

Monday, May 11, 2009

2 i'm missing u -_-

This song is for me...from u..rite mr x?

i'll always love u..^_^

Artis : Seventeen
Lagu : Selalu mengalah

Jelaskan padaku isi hatimu

seberapa besar kau yakin padaku

untuk tetap bisa bertahan denganku
menjaga cinta ini

Pertengkaran yang terjadi
seperti semua salahku
mengapa selalu aku yang mengalah
tak pernahkah kau berfikir
sedikit tentang hatiku
mengapa ku yang harus selalu mengalah

pantaskah hatiku masih bisa bersamamu

Jelaskan padaku isi hatimu

seberapa besar kau yakin padaku

untuk tetap bisa bertahan denganku
menjaga cinta ini

Mengapa selalu
aku yang mengalah
tak pernahkah kau berfikir
sedikit tentang hatiku
mengapa ku yang harus selalu mengalah
pantaskah hatiku masih bisa bersam

♥ Thanks for reading!~ Have a nice day ^_^ ♥

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

4 the end of sem 4

fuhh, pnatnye mengemas barang2..
leceh tol laaa...

nape la xleh tinggal je baran
g dalam plaza nie??????
cOnfius ak..nak tumpang letak pn xleh..

klu nak letak kena byar???apekah???

bak kate pepatah, kedekut taik idung masin..haha

bukannye gune letrik or lampu pn..

barang2 nie xleh gerak pn, die dok diam je..hmmmm

sem dpn ak leh dok kondo mewah ni agi..hehe(mewah la sgt)
syukurla dpt dok sini agi..
dah besa dok sini kan..hmmm

harap dpt hous
emate yg baek2..:))

masalah skang 1 je..s
al barang2 ak laa..
ak n housemates letak barang kat k5..

(bangunan sebelah
kondo mewah ni le)
nanti bkak sem bru...

kena lak angkat barang2 2 naek atas..

pnat 2..
.leceh kn??? xp
e,,xpyh pk g sal 2..
skang kte enjoY!!!!

kames nie ak dah nak blk kampung..

selamat tinggal housemates
selamat tinggal kwan2..

selamat tinggal restoran
hassan..(tempat makan fevret)
selamat tinggal plaza..(kondo mewah ku..haha)

selamat tinggal key el...

jumpe agi 2 bulan!!!!!

♥ Thanks for reading!~ Have a nice day ^_^ ♥

Monday, May 4, 2009

1 my new novel

actually ak bosan nie..
maklumla dah abeh exam kan..hehe
so ak nak kongsi novel yang ak bru beli kat pesta buku mngu pas..
ak xbce lagi pn novel 2..
nak bce kat umah nanti..

ak agak minat la ngan penulis DAMYA HANNA n ANIS AYUNI...
novel diorg b4 ni pn ak dah kumpul..
tp xdela sume..
1 lagi ak minat yg terbitan alaf 21 je..(memilih kn..hehe)

p/s : nanti nak cari novel kau sayangku..:P

♥ Thanks for reading!~ Have a nice day ^_^ ♥

5 gambar curik

dak2 diet..

gambar nie ak curik kat page jun..hehe
jgn marah ye jun..

ak tau ko pn curik gk kn..hihi

ak ske gmbr nie..

♥ Thanks for reading!~ Have a nice day ^_^ ♥

2 game over

soklan PAKM mcm cipan!!!!!
sape sOkong ak agkat tangan..hehe

ingat muke aqif zamani je mcm cipan..

leh lak naek sokLan b4 midsem..

mmg r ak x bce!!!

cam cipan!!

tp xksah la cOz.....

ak udah medeka arini.......

finally, penyeksaan selama 2 minggu berakhir..hehe

skema siot ayat..

♥ Thanks for reading!~ Have a nice day ^_^ ♥


wei...cane nie??????
somebody help me..
mcm xleh je g wet world!!!
ak nak pg...

♥ Thanks for reading!~ Have a nice day ^_^ ♥

Sunday, May 3, 2009

4 cLeopaTra sTrataN

she is a cute young singer from??
ak xpasti die dari mane..hehe(romania kot)

tapi ak ske dgr lagu die..
sora die xdela sdap sgt
tapi cute mute..
besala bdak2 nyanyi dgr cmey je..
dak nie femes kat tempat die..

cute kan??

nie ad cket maklumat sal die ak amik dari laman web mane tah..haha

Cleopatra Stratan is only four years old and she reached the number one on the Rumanian charts with the hit “Ghita” in a few months and then the same happened in the rest of Europe.
It seems that Cleopatra is the youngest talent on stage.
Last summer, and a few weeks after making herself known with the presentation of a song that she sang with her father, the Moldavian singer Pavel Stratan, Cleopatra published “La varsta de tre ani” (“At the age of three”), her first solo album that has sold more than 130.000 copies.
Soon after that, she performed live for the first time: the show lasted two hours in front of an audience of 400 persons as if she were an experienced artist.
That’s why Pavel Stratan sent a letter to the organization that it is charge of elaborating the “Guinnes Records” in order to include her daughter as the youngest artist editing
a record and performing a two-hour-show.
In 2006, deciding on whether the critics on Cleopatra were exploited by her close friends or not, Pavel Stratan hurried to announce that her daughter would be back on stage
in one or two years’ time to promote the new album.
In spite of stopping voluntarily, the Cleopatra Stratan phenomenon can’t be curbed and it has crossed the borders thanks to webs such as Youtube where more than a million and half users have watched the video clip “Ghita” that can be translated as “Little George”. In the video Cleopatra, with a 70s look, holds a suitcase and waits for Ghita in the street.
The case of Cleopatra Stratan recalls the story of the French Jordy Lemoine who is considered as the youngest singer to reach number one on the charts with the song that was famous in 1992 “Dur dur d'être bébe” when he was just tour years old.
After the controversy started in France about if Jordy was being exploited by her parents or not, the boy would launch a second album and then he would live in oblivion.

mcm besa la..
nie ak bagi lman web youtube kat korg..
klu rase bosan2 2 tgk la ek..:)
video klip die menarik & klakar..

♥ Thanks for reading!~ Have a nice day ^_^ ♥

Saturday, May 2, 2009

5 dari mata arisa..

korg penah x bce novel kau sayangku?
penulis die BIKASH NUR IDRIS from ALAF 21..
ak pn x igt ak pnah bce ke x..hehe
coz nOvel ni dah lame dah ad kat psrn..
tp rasenye ak dah bace mase zman ak skul dlu..

actually, ak nak share samting..
skang ni kat tv2 ad cite yg d adaptasikan from novel kau sayangku..
tjuk drama 2 DARI MATA ARISA..
best cte 2..ak pn bru follow tgk cte 2 kat youtube..
kat tv2 rasenye dah nak abeh..
so, klu korg nak follow tgk cte 2 dari mule bleh g laman web kat bawah nie..

cte dari mata arisa ni best..
ad campo romantik + sedey + lawak..
klu dah start tgk mst rase nk tgk lagi & lagi..hehe
pas2 rase nak beli novel 2..:)
sape yg lyan nOvel mesti layan nye la cte nie..
try la tgk ek..

seLaMat meNonTon!!

♥ Thanks for reading!~ Have a nice day ^_^ ♥

0 i'm back

hoLLa!!!dah smngu ak x tlis blog..rindu lak..
mngu pas exam 3 ari bturut-t
urut tau!nsib xjd gle..hehe
tadi pn ade tinggal 1 paper je agi!!!
yeye..dah nak merdeka..

tensen gle time exam..
tdo 2 3 jam je..huhu
maklumla study last minit..
pasni leh la tdo puas2..

x sbar nak 2gu ari isnin nie..
mY last paper!!

♥ Thanks for reading!~ Have a nice day ^_^ ♥