Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sesi menghantar resume

Selamat hari selasa...
hari yang agak malang unlucky..
jadi kite tutup hari yg 'unlucky' ni dgn menghantar resume..

study tak abeh lagi, write up tak siap lagi..
dah kalut sebok nak hantar resume..hahaha

 1 month more before finish my degree..
hooo hoo rayyy...
so this is the time for apply job!

actually tadi dah apply 2 job as a dietitian from private hospital (:
macam excited lak coz that hospital at my hometown..
suke suke suke ^_^
baru hantar resume tapi happy macam dah dapat keje..haha
tak kisah la dapat ke tak, 
yg penting usaha 2 kena ade..:)
ye takkk.....?

wahai hospital sekalian....
silalah panggil sy tuk d interview ok..

~hidup penuh dgn ketidakadilan~

♥ Thanks for reading!~ Have a nice day ^_^ ♥

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Klang!!!! sayonara Plaza Rah

Huwaaaaaa....tmrw will be my 2nd attachment @ HTAR Klang...tapi takde umah@bilik sewa lagik!!!gilak slumber kan?plaza rah ke Klang ingat dekat ke nak ulang alik??huhu..sabo je laaa....baju dah pack, ntah nak g merempat katne la...haha...pape pun harap petang ni ade gud news la..huhu..yg pasti tmrw aku dah ade kat Klang..AGAIN!!!tak boley on9, x boleh blogging et al OK~~~~ Next week @ next 2 weeks baru balik..sob3~ confirm rindu plaza rah nanti..hahaha...........hope everything will be fine..aminnnnn...........

♥ Thanks for reading!~ Have a nice day ^_^ ♥

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Dating @ Dinner

Khamis = hari paling stress (slide slide slide)
Jumaat = hari paling bahagia (end of practical @ UMMC)
Sabtu = hari paling confuse!!

Nak dating ke g dinner!!!! Kalau tak pegi dinner, RM11 burn macam 2 je....minggu lepas beriya beli baju dinner bagai sampai 2 lak tu...kalau tak dating, bile lagi nak pau kan? hahaha...bile lagi nak hilangkan stress kan? kalau pegi dinner dapat balik RM11, dapat makan2 free..kalau pegi dating, dapat makan free gak..haha...tapi dapat ke RM11?kui3...kalau pegi dinner petang dah kena gerak..tak sempat nak dating..huuuu...kalau dating, petang baru boleh jumpe, dinner memang tak pegi dah la....so problem kat sini bukan nak dating or g dinner tapi problemnye ialah nak hilangkan stress....yg mane boleh hilangkan stress???

Huwaaa...nak balik Kedah ~~~~~~

♥ Thanks for reading!~ Have a nice day ^_^ ♥

1st week @ UMMC

Ini kisah 4 minggu lepas..........my 1st week attachment at UM Medical Centre..as 'dietitian student'...maybe ramai yg tak tau ape itu 'dietitian' kan? takpe2 kalau nak tau boleh google k..:) first time jejak kaki kat UMMC..sgt la besar x mcm HUKM ok..UMMC 10x ganda lagi besar kot..huuu...so kalau sesat itu normal! haha...actually ni 1st time attach kat hospital luar untuk clinical, before ni 'terperuk' dalam hukm je..huh...beza hukm & ummc yg paling dasyat is dekat ummc kalau dari jabatan dietetik nak naik wad, amik mase 10 minit kot..so paham2 la kalau hari2 naik turun wad, mau tercabut kaki ku..tu tak termasuk perjalanan dari kg baru pegi ummc lagi..huwaaaa...from Plaza Rah ke LRT kg baru dah 10 minit (ni kalau brisk walk), kg baru ke LRT universiti 20 minit (sempat kalau nak tdo lagi seround), then naik bas Metro or Rapid dalam 10 minit sampai la..dah sampai 2, nak jalan pegi jabatan dietetik 15 minit lak...so kalau total up pegi balik mau 2 jam..2 JAM OK! 2 jam aku burn macam 2 je bersame $$$$ per week.....

1st week aku takde la busy sangat pun, penat berjalan je...just masuk ward surgery and pediatric only in 1st week..total up 4 case only i seen in 1 week..itupun share with other 3 friends....sob3...kalau banding ngan mber yg attach kat hospital lain kan, sehari mau dapat 4 patient paling sikit..ye tak?hehehe...so dekat ward surgery patient yg refer dietitian is for either counseling or for enteral feeding...kalau kaunseling memang bosan sikit la, tak banyak..haha...dekat ummc standard formula is either osmolite or ensure but at hukm just ensure only for standard formula....then for product with fiber, they have jevity..i'm not sure hukm has nutren fiber o not but no jevity....so sume hospital pun ade lain2 product, depend budget la kot...yg penting patient dapat product yg sesuai ikut condition diorg...

walaupun tak banyak aku gain at 1st week, still ade benda baru yg aku belajar dkt ummc...for example product for pediatric patient.....before this tak pernah tau special product untuk pediatric patient, bcoz tak pernah attach kat ward pediatric dekat hukm dulu....kesian2.....case pediatric sangat mencabar for me bcoz not familiar, walaupun case 2 senang..haha....like failure to thrive (FTT)....how to gain their weight so that their weight in normal range for their age??? hoho..need to do nutritional assessment 1st, and come out with nutrional diagnosis, then baru boleh buat intervention.....every patient has different nutrition intervention...

 so salah satu sebab berat aku tak naik2 is:

'Inadequate oral intake related to not have enough time to consume food and 
insufficient food available in my stock as evidenced by intake not meet the requirement'

what are the different between neosure, premature and infant formula??

♥ Thanks for reading!~ Have a nice day ^_^ ♥